Reggified Books
Here’s a list of books that Reggie is featured in or has endorsed with a blurb. He recommends them all.
What It Is… What It Was!; The Black Film Explosion of the ’70s in Words and Pictures by Andres Chavez, Denise Chavez, and Gerald Martinez
An awesome collection of black movie posters from the 70’s, with interviews with filmmakers from that era…and today. Reggie has a whole chapter yakking about himself.
Blackface: Reflections on African Americans in the Movies by Nelson George
Nelson George wrote this book about the history of the early days of the modern black film movement. Not only talks about the secret history of certain films and aborted epics, but has a picture of Reggie wearing a really crazy hat.
America Beyond the Color Line by Henry Louis Gates
Reggie did this documentary with Prof. Henry Louis Gates of Harvard University. The interview was transcribed and put into book form. Reggie’s in there with some real big shots, like Quincy Jones and Colin Powell!
Post-Soul Nation: The Explosive, Contradictory, Triumphant, and Tragic 1980s as Experienced by African Americans (Previously Known as Blacks and Before That Negroes) by Nelson George
Here’s another fine book by Nelson George that uses extensive interviews with Reginald and Warrington Hudlin.
Reel Black Talk: A Sourcebook of 50 American Filmmakers by Spencer Moon
Another book on black film with an early Reggie interview that makes up a chapter.
Reggie wrote the introduction to the trade paper back of this collection of the first issues of this groundbreaking comic series.
The Wind Done Gone: A Novel by Alice Randall
Reggie wrote a blurb for his college friend Alice Randall in support of her brilliant first novel, a parody of GONE WITH THE WIND from the perspective of Scarlet O”Hara’s black half sister. Yes, it goes there and then some.
Soul City: A Novel by Touré
Reggie wrote a blurb for this brilliant surrealist novel that reads like across between Salvador Dali and Ishmael Reed. Just check it out!