Hudlin Entertainment

Chris Rock at Harvard Westlake

This school year, my son started an organization at his school called the Art & Business Club.  He organizes events that feature artists and executives who work with artists.  His first two guests were world renowned multimedia artist Arthur Jafa, then co-chairman of Walt Disney Studios Dana Walden. 

He just hosted comedy legend Chris Rock.  It was an hour interview where they covered a wide range of topics. I was very proud of my son as I watched him manage the logistics, put together a great looking poster and promote the event all over his sprawling school campus.  He got faculty and administration involved, and in three days got so many students signing up that they had to move the event to the biggest theater on campus, and there still wasn’t enough seats!  

Chris Rock had the room completely locked in, hanging on to his every word.  Teachers were impressed a) how full the room was, and b) how you could hear a pin drop.  They shushed any kid who was talking during the interview.  That said, the room exploded with laughter, but you could also feel when Chris’ deep observations landed in their heads.  Even faculty wanted to write down the gems Chris was dropping.  

Chris Rock is one of the smartest people I know, and Alexander really brought his school a gift.  I’m very grateful to my friend and proud of my son. 
